Saturday, December 17, 2011

#QOTD - Choose your way

Another good one and maybe not something we seem to forget:

Sometimes it’s easier to pick the easy road instead of the road that will actually teach us something, make us grow and pay off in the end. Not that I judge, I do it too sometimes :) I think it's become a habit for most people. Choosing the easy way because we may have fear of what will meet us in the unknown. Or maybe we don't feel like we have the time or energy to face it. But sometimes I choose to take the difficult road, and each time I gain something that makes up for all the struggles and heart ships. My brain and heart just seems to forget that every time I face the 'unknown road' :) But I'm getting better, and I hope all of you will face the unknown and choose that road we deep down know but just don't feel like taking :)

Have an awesome weekend :)


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

#QOTD - Create yourself

Just wanted to share this with you! So true.

Be yourself, be unique, and most of all, you have the power to write your own life story! SO make that story rock, and remember that you can ALWAYS change your ways. I believe in you :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

#QOTD - Dreams

"Do not lose hold of your dreams or aspirations. For if you do, you may still exist but you have ceased to live."
-Henry David Thoreau

I think this is a very beautiful quote, and very true. We often find ourselves lost when things don't turn out the way we wished them to do. Or when a sudden turn of events changes our nicely planned life. So when it says; don’t lose hold of your dreams or aspirations; I see like this:

Dreams can change, take you in a different direction than you planned, but does that make it less of a dream or more? I think more, or I believe :) Because, the road we sometimes end up taking in life sometimes give us more than we wished for, we just don’t see it because we are so busy looking down the road we didn't get to take. So hold on to your dreams, believe in them and they will come true, just maybe not in the way YOU planned them to do. If you give up, well, the quote says it beautifully: if you do, you may still exist but you have ceased to live.

Don't lose yourself in your own attempt to seek happiness and success, believe that you will find it :)


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

#QOTD - Love conquers all

"It is vital that when educating our children's brains we do not neglect to educate their hearts."
-Dalai Lama

So very true, I read this today, and I couldn't agree more. Today it’s all about getting the best grades, knowing everything about nothing in particular, and being able to use fancy phrases and look like you're IT (whatever that means). When you grow up you need to be something special, something smart, and one who makes a lot of money and knows how to conquer the world. And you're absolutely nothing without a fancy title to brag about (ever wonder why titles today sound more fancy than they are? :) ). But one thing misses, where is our hearts in all this, where is the love? (and yes, I know it sound like that Black Eyed peas song, but it’s true ;) ).

We're so busy being clever and wise, and often forget that it is not the only thing that counts. Being a good person, helping those around you and give unconditionally is one of the greatest gifts to do. Today, more people just don't have the time for it and it is not necessarily the individual persons fault. Our lives are hectic, we have to do everything and achieve it all, and it is natural for people to think of themselves first. Survival comes first (then there is the discussion about what is important to survival, but we'll take that another day ;) ). So it's not the individual person who is at fault, it is rather a responsibility we must take together. We must decide to change our lives. It's not something that happens in a day, but together it is certainly happens faster :)

Of course I know A LOT of people already doing that, but there's still work to be done, and many still don't believe in this way of thinking. I hope one day that changes. Because when we start focusing on the heart and the love it is capable of showing, we truly will discover just how awesome we all can be :)


Thursday, November 10, 2011

#QOTD - Win your battles

"The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost.
The true heart can tough the poison of hatred without being harmed.
Since beginningless time darkness thrives in the void but always yields to purifying light."

We often get many things "thrown" our way without being able to control when and how. People can come up with rumors and falsehoods to hurt us, they can use hate as a weapon, basically they can make our lives seem so dark and sad.
And it's not always we can respond equally well when we get thrown bad things against us, we often decide to throw again, or hide away. None of the solutions is obviously the right thing, but we often choose to use them. Not that it makes us equally bad, no, that makes us human, and as humans we aren't perfect. Far from in fact.
We just need to remember that we know what is true, we should not let false people drive us crazy or make us feel inferior.
Darkness tends to enclose us in its embrace and make us unable to see the road ahead, but remember it is only when it is darkest that we can see the stars :) and those stars leads us home. Darkness always yields to light, if we let it. You win if you remember who you are and what is inside you.

Believe in the power inside you :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

New challenges :)

Finally got started on some volunteer jobs, I been keen to do this for so many years but just didn't get around to do something about it until now!

I have been elected to the Board of Ventilen Denmark. This is a volunteer organization which operates venues for quiet and lonely young people between 15-25th. I funded Ventilen with money before, and has a sister-in-law who has been a volunteer there a few years now, so I was familiar to the organization, but was a spontaneous choice that made me take the plunge and become a Board member. Many will probably think it's a bit of a mouthful; I like to think of it as a challenge:) Of course I am not superman/woman, and there's a lot to learn, but I am convinced it will be a very exciting year.

Personally, I think Ventilen is doing a tremendous job and the work they do is super important, and that I have the opportunity to help shape the organization and make my mark, I find super exciting! It is also a bunch of enthusiastic young people who run the organization, double plus:) So all in all, it's a win-win:) So far I have decided to become a part of the education committee, something which I find interesting, while still being close to what I daily work with.

Then I actually started on something else, something I've been part of since July, but which really only just got official. Have signed up as a volunteer writer for an organization in the U.S. called TwitChange! I supported them, and their mission to use social media to spread news about all sorts of good charitable organizations or events, through Twitter.

TwitChange, as their name indicates, is a volunteer organization that wants change the world 'one tweet at a time' through social media. At first they focused a lot on Twitter. Many celebrities, well-known organizations (etc.) have profiles on Twitter, and you can easily "follow" them and see what they "tweet" about on their timeline. TwitChange saw the idea of ​​teaming up with celebrities and using Twitter as a way to get people to donate money to good causes. It has worked extremely well and resulted in many good auctions and collections! Now they have expanded their horizon and want to spread the word about how social media can change the world. Celebrities often use their Twitter or Facebook page to spread messages and get their fans to support a charity they support. Media like YouTube and Google+, also forums where messages can easily spread, have now become one of TwitChange's focus areas. They want small articles that focus on a charity being promoted through social media, and therefore they have asked many of their supporters on Twitter if they would like to be volunteer writer for them.

What this long story was leading up to is that, since July I signed up to be a writer for TwitChange, and now I am! Have never written anything but essays, reports and short stories in school, and now I'm about to write articles. Really exciting and scary, and also, I have to write in English. English has always been my second language, and I already read many books in English, but it's nice to sharpen my grammar as well:) All the while I can help spread good stories about good charity and much more. Have just posted two articles, and will write if/when they are posted on the website.

Are more of you interested to know anything more about these two organizations and perhaps even support them with money or anything, you can read much more about them on the following pages.

- Join and steadily at 75 kr. (Danish kroner) per year. If you want to give more, you can too!

- There are no an auctions right now, but there will be sometime soon:) Otherwise, there is a lot of interesting articles to read, or even the possibility to become a writer yourself!!

Looking forward to making a difference:)


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

#QOTD - Smile :)

"Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing."
 -Mother Teresa

There is nothing more relieving and fun than smiling!! A smile can make your troubles go away, a smile can light a candle in the darkness, a smile warms the heart, and a smile brings peace of mind. And what does it cost? NOTHING! I smile so much I think I'm going to wrinkle up to early, but I don't care, it is the best feature we have as human beings!! And it spreads so easily, so give someone you don't know a smile today. Smile at someone you meet on the street, at the girl/boy behind the cash register in the store or smile to you colleagues, friends, family, boyfriend or girlfriend. Maybe a smile is all one person needs to save their day, to make it seem easier, more bearable. I absolutely love this quote, and I try to make the best of it each day :)


Friday, September 30, 2011

#QOTD - Regret

"Regret comes in all shapes and sizes.
Some are small, like when we do a bad thing for a good reason.
Some are bigger, like when we let down a friend.
Some of us escape the pangs of regret by making the right choice.
Some of us have little time for regret because we're looking forward to the future.
Sometimes we have to fight to come to terms with the past.
And sometimes we bury our regret by promising to change our ways.
But our biggest regrets are not for the things we did, but for the things we didn't do, things we didn't say that could have saved someone we care about.
Especially when we can see the dark storm that's headed their way."

If only I could take credit for those words, it pretty much sums up what regret is and the regrets we often have in life. The questions is how do we get past the regret? How do we not let it take us down?
Regret is the negative version of reflection in my opinion. It's healthy to reflect over the this we have been through, the decisions we make or don't make. But when we think too much about our mistakes, or something we did or how we reacted, it tends to be in a negative way, and that leads to regret.
Learn to reflect instead of regret the things you do, it takes practice, and you will not be perfect:) But the sooner you learn to let go, the sooner you will find that life doesn't have to be so damn hard :)

Have a great weekend!


Thursday, September 29, 2011

#QOTD - Within you

"You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body."
-C.S. Lewis

I believe in these words!!! They are so true; at least to me they are :) We all have different beliefs, and it doesn't matter what we believe in, it matters only how we treat each other!! Still, I hope you find this quote inspirational, or maybe it makes you think twice about what life is all about. Please feel free to comment if you want to discuss it; I'm open to all kinds of discussions :)

Hope you are all enjoying your Thursday!! I am, todays my brother's birthday, congrats bro:) So proud of the man you have become, I know the future has so much good in store for you. The weather is so beautiful, the last breath of summer before autumn begins, so nice. Have a great afternoon peeps!


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"The Dark Times are Coming"....hmmm

So we are heading into what all call "the dark times". Why call it that? That is, besides the obvious fact that it gets darker! Why voluntarily choose to put negative energy into something? For is it not a fact that when we say: "Now we're facing darker times" we actually think: "It becomes harder to get up in the morning because it's dark, it gets colder, sadder weather conditions, snow will result in traffic chaos, it's dark when we get home, etc.". Conclusion: In one small sentence, we place a thousand negative thoughts and feelings. Is it any wonder we always feel less positive and excited about the autumn/winter?

Don't misunderstand me, I don't think we should go around constantly being positive; this is not possible with the way the world is today (though it is definitely something to wish for the future). But is it also not true that we have the power to shape our lives as we wish to see it unfold? That we alone hold the power over our own lives and can write our history as we want?
YES outside factors can influence our choices and in some cases result in that fact that we cannot get nor do what we want, but again we have the ability to choose our response! :)

Will we always choose the correct path or reaction, N.O.!! Of course not, we are not perfect we are humans. But the beauty of life is also that we can change things if we want to! Remember the quote i wrote a while back?:

"Any new attempt justifies all past mistakes!"

What I'm really trying to say is that I believe we can make the "dark time" into something positive. We can still call it the same, because it's true the days becomes darker, but we need to change the energy we put into it. Because there are also positive things about this season. Hot chocolate, snowball fights, the heat from a fireplace, the sun shining on beautiful white scenery, fresh air and cold cheeks, and my favorites: CHRISTMAS and what we in Denmark call "hygge" :) If nothing of the above is something you like or find positive, then find your own, this is just things I find positive and love about "the dark times".

We can put negative energy in everything, even though spring comes and cast away the darkness, we suddenly find other things to put negative energy in. That's just how it always is, but there's no reason to stick with the usual OR to make our lives more challenging than it is. I don't always think positive, far from it, I'm human like everyone else. But I've always believed that we choose whether we want to see the positive rather than the negative. Yes we have our challenges in life and they are not always easy and fun, but we choose how we will look at them. And it's more fun to choose the positive view over the negative. And I have the past several years, 5 to be exact, made big changes in my life and I can see how a positive outlook have made things so much easier than a negative view on things. Is it always easy to think like this? No, you will "fall", but then you can choose to stop being negative before it gets too hard. The beauty of life is of course that we can learn from our mistakes :)

Remember, this is how I am, these are my thoughts, and that's how I feel. I hope it can inspire some new thoughts inside you guys and that maybe you will try to find the positive in the negative, calling problems challenges and fun, it makes it so much easier!

"Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it."
- Ernest Holmes

So enjoy the autumn, see the beautiful and lovely in something so easily seen as dark and dreary.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011


 "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain."
-Vivian Greene

This one I absolutely LOVE :) When we were kids we always put on old sweats and ran outside whenever the rain started to pour down!! It was SO much fun, and afterwards we would take a warm bath and watch a movie or play a game wile we drank hot chocolate/tea. Those moments I remember so clearly, and in those moment life was so easy and fun, and more importantly I felt extremely loved!! So don't se rain as something negative and dark, see it as something fun, something that can wash all your troubles away and make you feel completely new :)

Monday, September 26, 2011


Just a little story to ponder over and start the week with :) :)

An old Indian told his grandchildren: "In every human life is a terrible fight. A fight between two wolves. One of them: fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self pity, resentment and betrayal. The second: joy, love, humility, trust, generosity, truth and compassion."
One of the children asked: "Grandfather, which wolf wins?"
The old man looked him in the eye and replied: "The one you feed"!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Long time no blog? ;)

Haven't blogged in 2 weeks, sorry, have had a lot on my mind :) Felt like my mind has been going on and on and on these last couple of months, many thoughts. Shared some of them last time, and they are still on my mind. Maybe I sounded a bit "preachy" last time, hope none of you took it that way :) But i like to find answers, or try to when i stumble upon something I just don’t get. So I still think a lot about the whole "Is love too hard to believe in" question. I think it is a tough one, and I don’t believe the last post i wrote gave all the right answers, but i tried.

I also worry too much, hehe, that’s a no brainer. A worry about everyone, and I want everyone to be happy, and that’s not something you always get to be the boss of :) So when I meet people who tell me that they don’t believe in love, or that we someday might be a more loving, united, caring and compassionate world, I get kind of sad. Sad is not the right word, but it’s more like, I really want to help these people feel the love and trust that I have for the future, because it is hard for me not to feel like these people are missing something. Not that they are bad and wrong, but I sense I little lost child inside them, each with their own "loss", something the desperately need and want.

Everyone that know me knows that I don’t just speak my mind and try to "push" my beliefs on them. On the contrary, I hold back, observe and try to see behind the facade or "mask" that we sometimes wear when we leave our home. When i then feel i have the best idea about that persons true color (or soul), i then try to build trust, compassion and positive attitude toward him/her. It might sound a bit to "easy-peasy" or "goody-two-shoes" to some of you, but that’s just how i am (most of the time, because of course I also have bad days ;)). So I’m not trying to give a picture of myself that you can put on a pedestal to look at, or show myself as a better person, this is really me, right down to the marrow! I think we could get along so much better if we respect each other more, and use trust, compassion and tolerance as tools to get more united as a people. And that does not mean that we don’t get to have different opinions and be individuals, because that is just as essential to this world. Being different but still showing respect to one another. I think it is awesome that we don’t all have the same opinion that we look at things differently, because that just gives us all views of a point. We are here to learn and grow, otherwise why even be here?

So, I’m not perfect, and hell, I don’t want to be :) But i want to show respect! And I think we need to be more respectful. Respectful does not mean not fighting for what you believe in, or doing what you like, but it just means not putting down people on your way through life. Are we always going to live up to that, no, but the beauty of life is also that mistakes are allowed. Accept that you don’t always makes the best choices, and you might sometimes want to scream at the world because thing aren’t going your way, just remember that you can always try again.

"Any new attempt justifies all past mistakes!"

 I also love this quote by Albert Einstein:

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”

Why not just trust that we have to be where we are, and if not, we also have the power to change our life. But it’s not easy, I fight a lot, my own battles, and so do everyone else. So let us respect that and try to learn how we can live more in peace and compatibility with each other's differences. (Ended on a preachy note again, but what the hell, I don’t care ;)).


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Is love to hard to believe in?

I've had i lot on my mind lately, some really deep and tough questions that I haven't a right or wrong answer to. Here goes:

Is it possible for one person to have absolutely NO faith in a loving peaceful future?

I have no idea, but recently I was confronted with just that thought, and it both scared me and intrigued me. What if a person could not picture this world becoming peaceful, no wars, no hate, just love and acceptance and respect? How do you respond to that when you have the complete OPPOSITE vision of the future?

I know, it’s a tough one, and I've thought about it a lot. My favorite quote, or one out of many, is this quote from Ghandi:

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

That sentence sums up all I believe in. Or at least most of my believes ;)

If we wish to see politics go in a different direction, then we have to make it go that way. We need to use our voice, and use the power we have to make our voice be heard.  I by no means believe in violence and hate, it is possible to make a revolution without.

If we wish to see violence eliminated, then let us start living more peacefully, be more lovable and open. YES I'm aware that this does not immediately bring an answer to all the world’s problems, but it is a start!! And YES I know war is sometimes necessary especially in the world we live in now. But why not try showing more love, is it so bad that while we are fighting we also use love as a weapon? Love may not show immediate result, and it might take a century to make it work but it works, so why don't we use it?

Is it so difficult to believe in love? To believe that by changing our attitudes today, or try to, we might make the future better? Maybe we won’t see any major change in our lifetime, but maybe our children or grandchildren will, so why not make it a better place for them?

You see my point? I could go on and on with the questions, and so could many others. One thing I want to make clear is, that I do not judge, or I don't believe in judging others, it leads us nowhere. Do i judge? I do, sometimes I judge before I know the whole story, but I try not to and if I catch myself in the act I stop! :) I'm only human, making mistakes is what we live and learn for ;) So please don't take any of what I have written as criticism or lack of understanding, because I have nothing more than love and respect for everyone. I cannot possibly understand what goes on inside your head, why you act, think and do the things you do. But i really want to understand, because I believe understanding leads to acceptance, which leads to respect, which finally leads to love!!

So where am I right now, did I answer my own question with a bunch of questions? Yes :) hehe.. But it is after all a big question, and I might not get the right answer. I will however try to be the change I wish to see in the people around me. Maybe that will inspire them, and maybe open up their minds to a new way of thinking. And in the long run, I think that is the best answer to my question :)

Live, love, laugh! :)


Friday, September 2, 2011

#QOTD - Unity

"People inflict pain on others in their selfish pursuit of happiness and satisfaction. Yet true happiness comes from a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood. We need to cultivate a sense of universal responsibility for one another and the planet we share."

-Dalai Lama

Thursday, September 1, 2011

New knowledge, new challenges :)

Sooooooo, tired. These past few days I have been on a course in "Pedagogy, didactics and methodology". VERY interesting, I know shocker, but man I'm so busted. Feels good learning about this stuff, but my brain is definitely not use to being "the student" and not "the teacher" :) I know life i s all about learning, but three days of intense learning leaves its mark on you.

One very positive thing I realized these days, and I didn't expect this, was how much the school is ready for change!! To clarify it all: the average age of the teachers is 50, and a lot have been teaching in 10-25 years (some more some less). Many of the teachers I've met have seemed very narrow-minded and "to set in their ways". To put it harsh: Old and only caring about their own little world! Of course not ALL of them are like that but many are. And my two colleagues and I (we are a small team of three), really believe in change and that this school needs it big time.

Many of the people I took this course with had the same view of things. This course is for newly hired teachers, but there was still two who had been there for 13-15 years, and it was nice to meet some "old guys" who felt this way. Most of all, three of our four lecturers were from the administration in this school, and the ALSO felt this way. THAT felt really good, and they were truly inspiring to listen to.

SO what is my point? My point is, if we all (or mostly all) feel this way the why don't we start making a change? I have some ideas on the why part, but I will think about it some more before I go into a full on analysis :)

Conclusion: Change IS coming. Students WILL be taken better care of. BUT we need to act, and that is the biggest, most expensive challenge we have now. I say challenge instead not problem, because problems make everything seem more difficult, hard and confusing that they can be. The challenges awaits, but…..

…..right now the couch is calling!;) Have a great evening peeps :)


#QOTD - Sorrow, loss, grief

There is no despair so absolute as that which comes
With the first moments of our great sorrow,
When we have not yet known what it is to have suffered and healed,
To have despaired and recovered hope.

-George Eliot

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

#QOTD - Live in the moment

Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone.
And do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come.
Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.

-Ida Scott Taylor

Monday, August 29, 2011


Find this very inspirering, and also very true :)

Be not afraid of life.
Believe that life is worth living,
And your belief will help create the fact.

-Henry James

Sunday, August 28, 2011


So, the prime minister announced this Friday that the election officially started and that we will vote September 15th.
Now all hell is going to break loose :)

I have always used my voice, and I find it very important that we use our voice to affect our future. BUT I have never liked politics, never. Of course I have scanned each Party and their general views to know what they stand and fight for, but never have I really gone in to depth with each Party’s politics and key issues. That is about to change, big time.

Today i have gathered every brochure, every document and made shortcuts on my computer to each Party’s homepage. I want to read about them all, maybe not each and every boring detail, but a lot of them. I want to all there is to know and once and for all find my place behind that Party which best represent my beliefs and political views. And i want to be more active, not actually join a Party, but I want know more, and to know how my voice is being used!

The keyword in all of this is of course WANT!! I want to do this, and therefore it feels right. Many young people today don’t pay attention to the world around them, and politics are definitely NOT something worth noticing or discussing in the lunch break. I was one of those, not that I was totally ignorant and not interested in politics, but politics have just never been very interesting to me! And I still HATE politics, or at least what politics have become (I know, it’s a strong word, but you know what I mean ;)). I find it so frustrating, false and there isn't any change, I really don’t like politics, BUT I have great confidence in our youth and the possibility for change!! And our youth will one day replace those "running things" today, and therefore I believe politics will be VERY interesting in the future.

"Out with the old and in with the new!"

Never before have I believed more in this proverb! We need new blood, we need our youth to step it up, because things have to change. You guys might not know how things work in Denmark, or how politics run here, but hope my ramblings make sense, I have kept it very "apolitical", because as I said: I have used my voice, but I have always hated politics, and therefore I might not be the best to explain every detail about our country’s political system :)

So why do I suddenly want to be more active? Three words: Norway, Oslo, Utøya! After the terrible events in Norway I found myself changing a lot of things. I affected me harder than you might understand and the story behind is long. It was an attack on Norway, their democracy, their people, hardworking INNOCENT politicians and YOUNG INNOCENT children. People that were doing something they love. Not that I necessarily support Arbeiterpartiet or knew anything about them before, but it was just so cowardly done!! No matter what god we choose to believe in, what our opinions might be, we DONT kill in order to change things. VIOLENCE is NEVER the answer. It’s a long story, and it woke a lot of emotions in me, but most of all, I was touched. I was touched to see Norway choosing LOVE over HATE. They choose compassion, unity, openness, light, hope and democracy. It touched me deeply, words can’t explain. And it made me want to get more active, not just use my voice, but know more about how it should be used and what it will be used to do.

I don’t want to vote out of sympathy, but because politics is important, and WE, the new generation, have a chance to make it different.  A chance to make politics more humane, more loving and open, instead of the shallow, unsuccessful “acting class-promoting thing” it is today. That is why I want my vote to be used properly, and why I want to know more about politics now vs. “the me” before July 22th 2011! And I believe it is the best reaction to what has happen.

One a final note, I could write so much more about my thoughts on the attracts the 22th of July, but know is not the time. All you need to know is this: I send peace, light an unconditional love to all the people affected each day! To the families and friend of lost ones; My heart goes out to you, I hope you will one day come back stronger and honor those you loved by keep living a life of love. The people involved and injure;, You will come back stronger, give it time, and know my thoughts are with you every day!

"Enemies teach us inner strength, courage and determination." - Dalai Lama

Let’s not end on a sad note! Hope you all had a great weekend, hope it was awesome :)


Thursday, August 25, 2011

#QOTD - Invictus

Out of the night that covers me
Black as the Pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul.

-William Ernest Henley

This is, if not my favorite, then one of the most inspiring poems I know!! I also know it is nelson Mandela’s favorite poem :) I find i truly inspiring. We all have a saying in how we choose to react to what it thrown our way, and we also get to choose how to act towards those who treat us wrong. WE ARE THE CAPTAINS OF OUR SOULS!
It is not always easy to choose the right direction or attitude, but hey we are only human, that’s the beauty of life. Learn from your mistakes, give yourself a second change. It is always harder to do right than wrong, so it will be a struggle, but it feels damn good when you climb that mountain ;)

Quote Of The Day (#QOTD)

I love to find quotes or poems that inspire me, help me or that I find beautiful in their simplicity. So therefore I have used my twitter account for sending out a daily quote (by daily I mean whenever I remember;) ). So now that I have decided to start this blog, I might as well spread the beauty here, maybe you can use their beauty and inspiration in your own life, maybe not.

On twitter # is used whenever you are discussing a certain topic, and I will do the same here. #QOTD (Quote Of The Day), followed by whatever quote, poem etc. that I for some reason stumble upon or have known for a long time :)

Hope you will enjoy :D


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

All you need is LOVE :)

So, everyone knows the famous Beatles son "All You Need Is Love", and in that one line it says it all. Because Love is the most important thing we choose to have in our lives. Weather it is love for family, friend, soul mates, animals, nature, fashion, cars etc., love always makes us feel satisfied, full, whole.

Love can come in many packages, and one is helping others, which I believe is the most important thing we can do to one another. Some might donate, volunteer, pray, support or maybe all the above! Some might do it big, others small, whatever course, it means something.

And it is so true. If you choose to help the people you meet on a daily basis, that is so much better than doing nothing at all. We don't need to dream big, because it we can't fulfill those dreams we will just feel that much more like a failure. And a failure we are not!! During the last 1,5 years I've become more involved in social good campaigns, and donated money AND become a blood donor, something I've wanted to become since I turned 18 but just never got around to do. It is something that makes me feel like I make a difference in the big picture. But what about the small deeds? Is that not just as important, if not more important? In my opinion, YES!!!

How can we change the world when we can't change our country, our city, maybe even out neighborhood? We should dream big, our goal should be a better world for everyone to live in, but we need to pay attention to the people that surrounds us in our daily lives first. I have the outmost respect for those who dream big and do a huge impact in the world, and they should keep doing what they do, because it does make a difference! So by no means do i believe they should stop what they do, keep it up folks, I truly honor and look up to you. But what about us who don't have the ambition, energy, time or simply just the lust to go big when it comes to social-do-good-things? Well as i said, the small things might just be the right way. What if a call/ to you mother would make her still feel needed? What if that old lady on the bench just needs 10-15 minutes of chit-chat to make her feel wanted? Or what if a smile is all a person needs to make it through the day? Would that really be too much to ask? No, I don't believe so. But yet that is the things that we rarely do, that we don't see or realize! So let’s start now!! I love the quote I wrote in my introduction by Peter Marshall:

"Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned."

So let’s be the change! Together we can make a BIG difference, and all it takes is one small deed, a smile, a hug, a thought. It counts, you count!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Why this blog

So this is my very first post, at least on this blog :) I've had a Facebook for 4 years, a twitter for almost two years, but know in stepping it up i nudge and making this blog. So why is that, what is my purpose of making this blog and writing what I do? Inspiration. Guidance. Fun. Learning. Laughing. BUILDING. Those are just some of the words that describe my reasons for making this blog.

I'm in no way smarter, better or more skilled in the art that is life than any of you, but what I do know, is that writing and trying to be an inspiration to people, helps you grow and learn. I want to be and inspiration, or at least try, because I'm NOT perfect, nor will I be or want to be. But I want to try and be the best I can, and learn from the mistakes I make :)

Maybe some of you will read this blog because you need something in your life, some part is missing, or you are going through things that you can’t seem to find you way. I want to help with all the guidance I can! If not with knowledge that I have, but knowledge I can get. Or maybe something i write will be the light at the end of the tunnel you have searched for without finding it. I hope my experiences or thoughts are helpful.

I want not only to write about my life and thoughts, but I also want to have FUN! Fun is the most important ingredient in life, it makes everything so much easier, and therefore I want ALOT of it :) Books, movies, games, jokes, embarrassing moments, all things that make my life fun (maybe the embarrassing things won’t be fun right away, but after some time), and I want to share my adventures and thoughts on that area also.

We all go through things in life, some things more often than others, because life i all about learning. Not that all life's challenges are equally fun, they are hard, very hard at times. But if we let them be a learning lesson, we gain so much in life. So have I been through all of them no, but I have been through some, and friends that have been through others. So hopefully I can help you in your learning experiences and offer some advice or maybe just my thoughts to help you through more easily.

If there is one thing i like more than anything, its laughing! I laugh as often as I can, it’s the most relieving thing in the world, all your worries seem more small and your world less dark. So I want people to laugh, use laugh, se the beauty and fun in life and smile as much as you can. Even smiling just to yourself makes you feel good. A smile is contagious so smile to the world and it will smile again :) Being positive gives you so much, even thou it can be hard, seeing things from a positive aspect helps you focus better and deal with the problem at hand in the best way possible. So as someone so brilliantly wrote: live, love, laugh :)

So what do I want? A want to make this a place where I can share everything I have on my mind, because writing about it, and shearing it helps me see want I might not see when I keep it in my head. You guys might find some of my thoughts helpful, but your comments. Might be the vest criticism I can get. Criticism is hard, but I hope to gain something positive from it. Or maybe just share ideas and thoughts. Together we could be building a place for people to find peace, friends and help that makes them want to go through their lives even thou it seems like everything is dark. Be there guiding light, their friend. Maybe you can share you passion about books, movies, recipes etc.., share jokes, learn from each other, laugh, cry and smile. I believe that through compassion, love and positive attitude you can live a happy life. And therefore I want to try and make this blog that sort of place, more or less. I deliver ideas, you might give me ideas, and together we might make this an awesome experience :)

So this was my "smarty-pants" starting post ;) but i mean every word that i write, and put all my positive thoughts in this project, because I believe it is true, and that all of you out there can have that awesome life that's just waiting for you :)

Aaaaaaand, please note the English is my secondary language, so if the text seem out of context or is poorly written, I apologies (I hope the soul of the text is still understandable and is getting through). I might also express myself badly, so please feel free to ask questions in the commentary below, I don't want to be misinterpreted :)

Enough with the heavy, let’s have fun. So enjoy :)
