Sunday, June 24, 2012

#QOTD - Happiness

Long time no see. It's been way to long since my last post. Sorry about that. 2012 has been a busy year so far, but so awesome. So far it kicks 2011 in the butt ;)

None the less, I'll try to blog more, and I'll start with a small post, a little quote :)

"Happiness is the ability to recognize it."
-Carolyn Wells

So far 2012 has been a year filled with happiness in my life, and I hope to share some of that with you. I hope that you know you have the power to create your own happiness, you control your life, and you can make it happen. Well that is easier said than done sometimes, but just try to remember those words on a rainy day. Find happiness in something around you. Whether it is seeing an old couple walking hand in hand and looking crazy in love or a child having fun with something so simple and innocent. The beauty of the sky, or a flower, or a stone. Open your eyes to the small things, because sometimes it is these small things that give us the most happiness in bad times.

I hope all of you try to look for those small things. Sometimes a smile is all it takes to make a day great for someone else. Smile to someone this Monday, at least 10 people you don’t know, and see how that smile spreads like a fire in hay :) Make some happy this Monday, and maybe that person will end up doing the same. Think how much happiness you could spread tomorrow, and the do it! :)

Have a fantastic week!

<3 Christina

One of the beauties in life, a sunset by the harbor where i live, so gorgeous!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

#QOTD - Valentine’s Day

Today is Valentine’s Day, so I just wanted to share a little quote and some words:

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return"
-Moulin Rouge (2001)

Love this quote, it's dead on. Love is the most powerful thing we have and are capable of making/sharing/giving. Love can make us feel like we can conquer the world, and lack of it makes us feel like nothing makes sense, that life is not worth living. We all have different opinions of what love is and what kind of love makes us feel loved and happy. We all speak the language of love, but as in all languages we find our own way of speaking it. That is why we sometime get confused when we try to make someone feel loved, but they don't respond to our love. To say it plain and simple: learn to speak the love-language your partner speaks and you'll see the result immediately. We all want the same, we just respond differently :)

That was a long wise speech, back to basics. Valentine’s Day is the day we either love or hate. I love it, but I also believe it is not romantic just to be romantic ONE day a year :) Romance should fill all our days. Sometimes romance is giving your partner a hug because you can see he/she needs it. Giving your partner what he/she needs despite the fact that you don't understand why it helps, now THAT is romance: THAT is LOVE :) So, is Valentine’s Day necessary? Maybe, maybe not. The industry makes a lot of money on that one day, but the same goes for Christmas, Halloween, Easter, basically every holiday or special occasion. But for me it is not the expensive flowers, dinner or chocolate, for me it is love. A day dedicated to love, and if I look at it that way, I find Valentine’s Day beautiful. Love is the most important thing and therefore it should also have a special day a year. Just like Mothers or Father’s day. That is a special day for them, but that doesn't mean it is the only day we show them special attention :) Or at least that how I believe/think it should be.

So instead of focusing on whether or not you are single on Valentine’s Day, focus on love. ON the love you have with your friends, family, pets, hobbies etc. It is all about love, and as I said, love is the same but still different for each and every one of us :)

So, lots of love from me. I feel blessed to have so much love around me, and I'll send some your way if you need it :) Made this picture for all of you: Happy Valentine's Day :)


Monday, January 30, 2012

New Year, New Posibillities.

Although January is almost to an end, I will allow myself to make the standard "The Year that Past" post. Time flew, and suddenly 2011 was gone, and what a year it was. Lots of good things happened to me in 2011, things I grew from as a person, and also things I wish I was without. All in all, a year I have both loved and sometimes cared less about, but most of all: thankful for. An educational year, that's the word I'm looking for :)

January last year I drove the car home from Copenhagen with two of my girlfriends, and we both talked about the year that had passed, but also what we expected of 2011. And there were many things I never in my wildest dreams thought I would experience or realize. For that I am grateful. Even the negative stuff has taught me a lot, even though you wish it never happened at the time. But I believe that, was doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, and it must say I've realized that this last year.

2011 was the year:

..where Denmark won silver in Men's handball World Cup.

..where I got a lot of new and amazing friends I am eternally grateful for. Now you're stuck with me ;)

..where I learned a lot about myself and began a new chapter.

..where my cousin beat cancer's but! I'm so glad and happy about that. She is not only a cousin but one of my closest girlfriends. At the same time, she ended the year finding out she was pregnant against all odds, so awesome.

..where my friend held her bachelorette party, got married AND had a little daughter! Wild year and I'm so happy for her :) Bella will be so spoiled by me! :)

..where I got even more good memories with my other cousin and best friend, twins as we called ourselves when we were kids. She also finished the year defying the odds and got pregnant, fantastic!

..where Norway reminded all of us that love is stronger than hate! Amazing people, they inspire each day.

..I completed my "Movie List"! :D Saw all movies in the cinema I had planned (minor stuff, but still very important).

..where I yet again confirmed that I have the most beautiful family on earth. Love, unity, compassion, tolerance, laughter, fun and much more, all this is something we share, so amazing.

..where my Mom and Stepdad (Paps as I call him) had "copper wedding" (12½ years of marriage)! Time flies, love you guys so much.

..where I started on the volunteer work I had always wanted to! Now I can't let go :)

..I'll never forget, like so many others. A year I am eternally grateful for, for all that gave me and taught me.

2011 was a crazy year where many things happened I never thought would happen. There is so much, I can't write about everything, so I've put together a couple of collages. A picture speaks a thousand words, or so it is said :)

Love nature, and 2011 was a year filled with many beautiful walks in the forest.

 It's not just people that enrich your life, I have many amazing animals around me that make the day a little bit more fun an awesome.

The summer of 2011 was awesome in so many ways. Lots of great memories I'll never forget.

Christmas and New Year’s was awesome as always. Have the best family, love them!

 You need to remember the small pleasures, so I've gathered a couple of just that :)

I'm grateful for 2011, both for all the good and bad it brought, and I can't wait to see what 2012 will bring me. I hope you all are able to look at all the good 2011 gave you and bring it into 2012. But also, that you can look at all the bad and learn from it, let it be the fuel to make you fight for a better 2012, turn defeat to victory.

Happy New Year!
