I've had i lot on my mind lately, some really deep and tough questions that I haven't a right or wrong answer to. Here goes:
Is it possible for one person to have absolutely NO faith in a loving peaceful future?
I have no idea, but recently I was confronted with just that thought, and it both scared me and intrigued me. What if a person could not picture this world becoming peaceful, no wars, no hate, just love and acceptance and respect? How do you respond to that when you have the complete OPPOSITE vision of the future?
I know, it’s a tough one, and I've thought about it a lot. My favorite quote, or one out of many, is this quote from Ghandi:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
That sentence sums up all I believe in. Or at least most of my believes ;)
If we wish to see politics go in a different direction, then we have to make it go that way. We need to use our voice, and use the power we have to make our voice be heard. I by no means believe in violence and hate, it is possible to make a revolution without.
If we wish to see violence eliminated, then let us start living more peacefully, be more lovable and open. YES I'm aware that this does not immediately bring an answer to all the world’s problems, but it is a start!! And YES I know war is sometimes necessary especially in the world we live in now. But why not try showing more love, is it so bad that while we are fighting we also use love as a weapon? Love may not show immediate result, and it might take a century to make it work but it works, so why don't we use it?
Is it so difficult to believe in love? To believe that by changing our attitudes today, or try to, we might make the future better? Maybe we won’t see any major change in our lifetime, but maybe our children or grandchildren will, so why not make it a better place for them?
You see my point? I could go on and on with the questions, and so could many others. One thing I want to make clear is, that I do not judge, or I don't believe in judging others, it leads us nowhere. Do i judge? I do, sometimes I judge before I know the whole story, but I try not to and if I catch myself in the act I stop! :) I'm only human, making mistakes is what we live and learn for ;) So please don't take any of what I have written as criticism or lack of understanding, because I have nothing more than love and respect for everyone. I cannot possibly understand what goes on inside your head, why you act, think and do the things you do. But i really want to understand, because I believe understanding leads to acceptance, which leads to respect, which finally leads to love!!
So where am I right now, did I answer my own question with a bunch of questions? Yes :) hehe.. But it is after all a big question, and I might not get the right answer. I will however try to be the change I wish to see in the people around me. Maybe that will inspire them, and maybe open up their minds to a new way of thinking. And in the long run, I think that is the best answer to my question :)
Live, love, laugh! :)
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