So we are heading into what all call "the dark times". Why call it that? That is, besides the obvious fact that it gets darker! Why voluntarily choose to put negative energy into something? For is it not a fact that when we say: "Now we're facing darker times" we actually think: "It becomes harder to get up in the morning because it's dark, it gets colder, sadder weather conditions, snow will result in traffic chaos, it's dark when we get home, etc.". Conclusion: In one small sentence, we place a thousand negative thoughts and feelings. Is it any wonder we always feel less positive and excited about the autumn/winter?
Don't misunderstand me, I don't think we should go around constantly being positive; this is not possible with the way the world is today (though it is definitely something to wish for the future). But is it also not true that we have the power to shape our lives as we wish to see it unfold? That we alone hold the power over our own lives and can write our history as we want?
YES outside factors can influence our choices and in some cases result in that fact that we cannot get nor do what we want, but again we have the ability to choose our response! :)
Will we always choose the correct path or reaction, N.O.!! Of course not, we are not perfect we are humans. But the beauty of life is also that we can change things if we want to! Remember the quote i wrote a while back?:
"Any new attempt justifies all past mistakes!"
What I'm really trying to say is that I believe we can make the "dark time" into something positive. We can still call it the same, because it's true the days becomes darker, but we need to change the energy we put into it. Because there are also positive things about this season. Hot chocolate, snowball fights, the heat from a fireplace, the sun shining on beautiful white scenery, fresh air and cold cheeks, and my favorites: CHRISTMAS and what we in Denmark call "hygge" :) If nothing of the above is something you like or find positive, then find your own, this is just things I find positive and love about "the dark times".
We can put negative energy in everything, even though spring comes and cast away the darkness, we suddenly find other things to put negative energy in. That's just how it always is, but there's no reason to stick with the usual OR to make our lives more challenging than it is. I don't always think positive, far from it, I'm human like everyone else. But I've always believed that we choose whether we want to see the positive rather than the negative. Yes we have our challenges in life and they are not always easy and fun, but we choose how we will look at them. And it's more fun to choose the positive view over the negative. And I have the past several years, 5 to be exact, made big changes in my life and I can see how a positive outlook have made things so much easier than a negative view on things. Is it always easy to think like this? No, you will "fall", but then you can choose to stop being negative before it gets too hard. The beauty of life is of course that we can learn from our mistakes :)
Remember, this is how I am, these are my thoughts, and that's how I feel. I hope it can inspire some new thoughts inside you guys and that maybe you will try to find the positive in the negative, calling problems challenges and fun, it makes it so much easier!
"Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it."
- Ernest Holmes
So enjoy the autumn, see the beautiful and lovely in something so easily seen as dark and dreary.
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