Wednesday, August 31, 2011

#QOTD - Live in the moment

Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone.
And do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come.
Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.

-Ida Scott Taylor

Monday, August 29, 2011


Find this very inspirering, and also very true :)

Be not afraid of life.
Believe that life is worth living,
And your belief will help create the fact.

-Henry James

Sunday, August 28, 2011


So, the prime minister announced this Friday that the election officially started and that we will vote September 15th.
Now all hell is going to break loose :)

I have always used my voice, and I find it very important that we use our voice to affect our future. BUT I have never liked politics, never. Of course I have scanned each Party and their general views to know what they stand and fight for, but never have I really gone in to depth with each Party’s politics and key issues. That is about to change, big time.

Today i have gathered every brochure, every document and made shortcuts on my computer to each Party’s homepage. I want to read about them all, maybe not each and every boring detail, but a lot of them. I want to all there is to know and once and for all find my place behind that Party which best represent my beliefs and political views. And i want to be more active, not actually join a Party, but I want know more, and to know how my voice is being used!

The keyword in all of this is of course WANT!! I want to do this, and therefore it feels right. Many young people today don’t pay attention to the world around them, and politics are definitely NOT something worth noticing or discussing in the lunch break. I was one of those, not that I was totally ignorant and not interested in politics, but politics have just never been very interesting to me! And I still HATE politics, or at least what politics have become (I know, it’s a strong word, but you know what I mean ;)). I find it so frustrating, false and there isn't any change, I really don’t like politics, BUT I have great confidence in our youth and the possibility for change!! And our youth will one day replace those "running things" today, and therefore I believe politics will be VERY interesting in the future.

"Out with the old and in with the new!"

Never before have I believed more in this proverb! We need new blood, we need our youth to step it up, because things have to change. You guys might not know how things work in Denmark, or how politics run here, but hope my ramblings make sense, I have kept it very "apolitical", because as I said: I have used my voice, but I have always hated politics, and therefore I might not be the best to explain every detail about our country’s political system :)

So why do I suddenly want to be more active? Three words: Norway, Oslo, Utøya! After the terrible events in Norway I found myself changing a lot of things. I affected me harder than you might understand and the story behind is long. It was an attack on Norway, their democracy, their people, hardworking INNOCENT politicians and YOUNG INNOCENT children. People that were doing something they love. Not that I necessarily support Arbeiterpartiet or knew anything about them before, but it was just so cowardly done!! No matter what god we choose to believe in, what our opinions might be, we DONT kill in order to change things. VIOLENCE is NEVER the answer. It’s a long story, and it woke a lot of emotions in me, but most of all, I was touched. I was touched to see Norway choosing LOVE over HATE. They choose compassion, unity, openness, light, hope and democracy. It touched me deeply, words can’t explain. And it made me want to get more active, not just use my voice, but know more about how it should be used and what it will be used to do.

I don’t want to vote out of sympathy, but because politics is important, and WE, the new generation, have a chance to make it different.  A chance to make politics more humane, more loving and open, instead of the shallow, unsuccessful “acting class-promoting thing” it is today. That is why I want my vote to be used properly, and why I want to know more about politics now vs. “the me” before July 22th 2011! And I believe it is the best reaction to what has happen.

One a final note, I could write so much more about my thoughts on the attracts the 22th of July, but know is not the time. All you need to know is this: I send peace, light an unconditional love to all the people affected each day! To the families and friend of lost ones; My heart goes out to you, I hope you will one day come back stronger and honor those you loved by keep living a life of love. The people involved and injure;, You will come back stronger, give it time, and know my thoughts are with you every day!

"Enemies teach us inner strength, courage and determination." - Dalai Lama

Let’s not end on a sad note! Hope you all had a great weekend, hope it was awesome :)


Thursday, August 25, 2011

#QOTD - Invictus

Out of the night that covers me
Black as the Pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul.

-William Ernest Henley

This is, if not my favorite, then one of the most inspiring poems I know!! I also know it is nelson Mandela’s favorite poem :) I find i truly inspiring. We all have a saying in how we choose to react to what it thrown our way, and we also get to choose how to act towards those who treat us wrong. WE ARE THE CAPTAINS OF OUR SOULS!
It is not always easy to choose the right direction or attitude, but hey we are only human, that’s the beauty of life. Learn from your mistakes, give yourself a second change. It is always harder to do right than wrong, so it will be a struggle, but it feels damn good when you climb that mountain ;)

Quote Of The Day (#QOTD)

I love to find quotes or poems that inspire me, help me or that I find beautiful in their simplicity. So therefore I have used my twitter account for sending out a daily quote (by daily I mean whenever I remember;) ). So now that I have decided to start this blog, I might as well spread the beauty here, maybe you can use their beauty and inspiration in your own life, maybe not.

On twitter # is used whenever you are discussing a certain topic, and I will do the same here. #QOTD (Quote Of The Day), followed by whatever quote, poem etc. that I for some reason stumble upon or have known for a long time :)

Hope you will enjoy :D


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

All you need is LOVE :)

So, everyone knows the famous Beatles son "All You Need Is Love", and in that one line it says it all. Because Love is the most important thing we choose to have in our lives. Weather it is love for family, friend, soul mates, animals, nature, fashion, cars etc., love always makes us feel satisfied, full, whole.

Love can come in many packages, and one is helping others, which I believe is the most important thing we can do to one another. Some might donate, volunteer, pray, support or maybe all the above! Some might do it big, others small, whatever course, it means something.

And it is so true. If you choose to help the people you meet on a daily basis, that is so much better than doing nothing at all. We don't need to dream big, because it we can't fulfill those dreams we will just feel that much more like a failure. And a failure we are not!! During the last 1,5 years I've become more involved in social good campaigns, and donated money AND become a blood donor, something I've wanted to become since I turned 18 but just never got around to do. It is something that makes me feel like I make a difference in the big picture. But what about the small deeds? Is that not just as important, if not more important? In my opinion, YES!!!

How can we change the world when we can't change our country, our city, maybe even out neighborhood? We should dream big, our goal should be a better world for everyone to live in, but we need to pay attention to the people that surrounds us in our daily lives first. I have the outmost respect for those who dream big and do a huge impact in the world, and they should keep doing what they do, because it does make a difference! So by no means do i believe they should stop what they do, keep it up folks, I truly honor and look up to you. But what about us who don't have the ambition, energy, time or simply just the lust to go big when it comes to social-do-good-things? Well as i said, the small things might just be the right way. What if a call/ to you mother would make her still feel needed? What if that old lady on the bench just needs 10-15 minutes of chit-chat to make her feel wanted? Or what if a smile is all a person needs to make it through the day? Would that really be too much to ask? No, I don't believe so. But yet that is the things that we rarely do, that we don't see or realize! So let’s start now!! I love the quote I wrote in my introduction by Peter Marshall:

"Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned."

So let’s be the change! Together we can make a BIG difference, and all it takes is one small deed, a smile, a hug, a thought. It counts, you count!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Why this blog

So this is my very first post, at least on this blog :) I've had a Facebook for 4 years, a twitter for almost two years, but know in stepping it up i nudge and making this blog. So why is that, what is my purpose of making this blog and writing what I do? Inspiration. Guidance. Fun. Learning. Laughing. BUILDING. Those are just some of the words that describe my reasons for making this blog.

I'm in no way smarter, better or more skilled in the art that is life than any of you, but what I do know, is that writing and trying to be an inspiration to people, helps you grow and learn. I want to be and inspiration, or at least try, because I'm NOT perfect, nor will I be or want to be. But I want to try and be the best I can, and learn from the mistakes I make :)

Maybe some of you will read this blog because you need something in your life, some part is missing, or you are going through things that you can’t seem to find you way. I want to help with all the guidance I can! If not with knowledge that I have, but knowledge I can get. Or maybe something i write will be the light at the end of the tunnel you have searched for without finding it. I hope my experiences or thoughts are helpful.

I want not only to write about my life and thoughts, but I also want to have FUN! Fun is the most important ingredient in life, it makes everything so much easier, and therefore I want ALOT of it :) Books, movies, games, jokes, embarrassing moments, all things that make my life fun (maybe the embarrassing things won’t be fun right away, but after some time), and I want to share my adventures and thoughts on that area also.

We all go through things in life, some things more often than others, because life i all about learning. Not that all life's challenges are equally fun, they are hard, very hard at times. But if we let them be a learning lesson, we gain so much in life. So have I been through all of them no, but I have been through some, and friends that have been through others. So hopefully I can help you in your learning experiences and offer some advice or maybe just my thoughts to help you through more easily.

If there is one thing i like more than anything, its laughing! I laugh as often as I can, it’s the most relieving thing in the world, all your worries seem more small and your world less dark. So I want people to laugh, use laugh, se the beauty and fun in life and smile as much as you can. Even smiling just to yourself makes you feel good. A smile is contagious so smile to the world and it will smile again :) Being positive gives you so much, even thou it can be hard, seeing things from a positive aspect helps you focus better and deal with the problem at hand in the best way possible. So as someone so brilliantly wrote: live, love, laugh :)

So what do I want? A want to make this a place where I can share everything I have on my mind, because writing about it, and shearing it helps me see want I might not see when I keep it in my head. You guys might find some of my thoughts helpful, but your comments. Might be the vest criticism I can get. Criticism is hard, but I hope to gain something positive from it. Or maybe just share ideas and thoughts. Together we could be building a place for people to find peace, friends and help that makes them want to go through their lives even thou it seems like everything is dark. Be there guiding light, their friend. Maybe you can share you passion about books, movies, recipes etc.., share jokes, learn from each other, laugh, cry and smile. I believe that through compassion, love and positive attitude you can live a happy life. And therefore I want to try and make this blog that sort of place, more or less. I deliver ideas, you might give me ideas, and together we might make this an awesome experience :)

So this was my "smarty-pants" starting post ;) but i mean every word that i write, and put all my positive thoughts in this project, because I believe it is true, and that all of you out there can have that awesome life that's just waiting for you :)

Aaaaaaand, please note the English is my secondary language, so if the text seem out of context or is poorly written, I apologies (I hope the soul of the text is still understandable and is getting through). I might also express myself badly, so please feel free to ask questions in the commentary below, I don't want to be misinterpreted :)

Enough with the heavy, let’s have fun. So enjoy :)
